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History in real-time

image of bright blue ocean with land in the distance on the rightThe PREPARE Institute began on a cruise ship. Dr. Davey Smith and family were enjoying a much-deserved vacation to Australia and New Zealand at the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020.

Reports were just emerging about a deadly new coronavirus in China that had already spread to Italy and Seattle, Washington. As much as Davey appreciated the cruise and time with his family, he couldn't wait to get back to UC San Diego. He knew what pandemics looked like, having completed medical school, his internship and part of his residency during the worst years of the HIV crisis. He knew another pandemic was brewing fast.

By July 2020, Davey had assembled a cadre of leading scientists at UC San Diego, several campus institutes and centers, and four top research institutes on the Torrey Pines Mesa. Together, the team began developing a mission, specific aims, and a service structure to identify and stop potential infectious threats before they cause widespread human disease.

In October 2020, the Pandemic Response to Emerging Pathogens, Antimicrobial Resistance and Equity (PREPARE) Institute was gaining interest among UC San Diego faculty and other local researchers with similar goals. Our membership grew, along with it our ability to provide shared resources and facilities.

In early 2021, the School of Medicine agreed to limited initial support of the PREPARE Institute. Today we are poised to become a global leader in preparing for, responding to and thwarting pandemics. 

Learn more about our team, our services, and how you can help.