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PREPARE Institute Faculty


  • Tala Al-Rousan, MD, MPH

    Tala Al-Rousan, MD, MPH

    Assistant Professor 
    Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science
    UC San Diego

    Areas of Expertise: Refugee health, disaster relief, implementation science, clinical trials

  • Rommie E. Amaro, PhD

    Rommie E. Amaro, PhD

    Distinguished Professor in Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
    Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
    UC San Diego

    Areas of Expertise: Computational virology, virus-host interactions, airborne transmission, structure-based immunogen design

  • Cheryl Anderson, PhD, MPH, MS

    Cheryl Anderson, PhD, MPH, MS

    Professor and Founding Dean 
    Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science
    UC San Diego


  • Kristian Andersen, PhD

    Kristian Andersen, PhD

    Department of Immunology and Microbiology
    California Campus
    Scripps Research
  • Eliah Aronoff Spencer, MD, PhD

    Eliah Aronoff Spencer, MD, PhD

    Assistant Professor of Medicine
    Division of Infectious Diseases & Global Public Health
    Director, Center for Health and Strategic Health Initiatives, UC San Diego Design Lab
    Director, Distributed Health Lab, Qualcomm Institute
    UC San Diego

    Areas of Expertise: Community powered innovation, human centered and translational design, diagnostic and digital therapeutic development

  • Janelle Ayers, PhD

    Janelle Ayers, PhD

    Professor and Laboratory Head
    Gene Expression Laboratory
    Molecular and Systems Physiology Laboratory
    NOMIS Center for Immunobiology and Microbial Pathogenesis
    Helen McLoraine Developmental Chair
    Salk Institute for Biological Sciences
  • John W. Ayers, PhD, MA

    John W. Ayers, PhD, MA

    Associate Professor and Vice Chief of Innovation 
    Division of Infectious Disease & Global Public Health
    UC San Diego
  • Constance Benson, MD

    Constance Benson, MD

    Professor of Medicine
    Division of Infectious Disease & Global Public Health
    UC San Diego

  • Sinem Beyhan, PhD

    Sinem Beyhan, PhD

    Associate Professor
    Department of Infectious Diseases, J. Craig Venter Institute
    Division of Infectious Diseases & Global Public Health, University of California, San Diego 


    Areas of Expertise: Fungal genomics and pathogenesis, host-pathogen interactions, antimicrobial discovery

  • Lars Bode, PhD

    Lars Bode, PhD

    Division of Neonatology and Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition
    Department of Pediatrics
    Chair of Collaborative Human Milk Research
    Director, Human Milk Institute (HMI)
    Director, Larsson-Rosenquist Foundation Mother-Milk-Infant Center of Research Excellence (MOMI CORE)
    UC San Diego 


    Areas of Expertise: Breastfeeding safety, human milk biology, human milk antimicrobials

  • Sandra Brown, PhD

    Sandra Brown, PhD

    Distinguished Professor
    Departments of Psychology and Psychiatry
    UC San Diego
  • Dennis Burton, PhD

    Dennis Burton, PhD

    Department of Immunology and Microbiology
    California Campus
    Scripps Research
  • Carrie L. Byington, MD

    Carrie L. Byington, MD

    Professor (Clinical)
    Department of Pediatrics
    Human Milk Institute
    UC San Diego

    Areas of Expertise: Viral response pathogens, vaccines, human milk, novel diagnostics, infants and children

  • Alan J. Card, PhD, MPH, DFASHRM

    Alan J. Card, PhD, MPH, DFASHRM

    Assistant Professor
    Department of Pediatrics
    Design Lab Affiliated Faculty, Global Health Program
    UC San Diego  
  • Aaron Carlin, MD, PhD

    Aaron Carlin, MD, PhD

    Assistant Professor in Residence
    Division of Infectious Diseases & Global Public Health
    Director, SARS-CoV-2 BSL-3 Research
    UC San Diego

    Areas of Expertise: Host-pathogen interactions, viral pathogenesis, genomics, systems biology

  • Antoine Chaillon, MD, PhD

    Antoine Chaillon, MD, PhD

    Assistant Professor
    San Diego Center for AIDS Research (CFAR)
    Division of Infectious Diseases & Global Public Health
    UC San Diego

    Areas of Expertise: Bioinformatics, molecular evolution, phylodynamics

  • Christina Chambers, PhD, MPH

    Christina Chambers, PhD, MPH

    Professor, Department of Pediatrics
    Co-Director, Center for Better Beginnings
    Associate Director, Altman Clinical & Translational Research Institute
    UC San Diego

    Areas of Expertise: Environmental causes of adverse pregnancy outcomes, birth defects, and childhood disabilities with a special focus on human teratogens; vaccine safety in pregnancy

  • Sumit Chanda, PhD

    Sumit Chanda, PhD

    Department of Immunology and Microbiology
    California Campus
    Scripps Research
  • Ezra Cohen, MD, FRCPSC, FASCO

    Ezra Cohen, MD, FRCPSC, FASCO

    Professor and Chief, Division of Hematology‐Oncology
    Co-Director, San Diego Center for Precision Immunotherapy
    Associate Director, Clinical Science, Moores Cancer Center
    Associate Director, Translational Science, Moores Cancer Center
    UC San Diego
  • Ben Croker, PhD

    Ben Croker, PhD

    Associate Professor
    Division of Allergy, Immunology, and Rheumatology 
    Department of Pediatrics 
    UC San Diego 

    Areas of Expertise: Inflammation, innate immunity, viral pathogenesis

  • Laura Crotty-Alexander, MD

    Laura Crotty-Alexander, MD

    Associate Professor
    Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine
    UC San Diego
    Section Chief, Pulmonary Critical Care Medicine 
    VA San Diego Healthcare System
  • Shane Crotty, PhD

    Shane Crotty, PhD

    Center for Infectious Disease and Vaccine Research
    La Jolla Institute for Immunology
  • Jennifer Dan, MD, PhD

    Jennifer Dan, MD, PhD

    Assistant Professor
    Division of Infectious Diseases & Global Public Health
    UC San Diego
    Clinical Associate/Instructor
    La Jolla Institute for Immunology
  • Victor De Grutolla, ScD

    Victor De Grutolla, ScD

    Professor Emeritus of Biostatistics
    Harvard University
    Visiting Scholar
    UC San Diego
  • Tal Einav, PhD

    Tal Einav, PhD

    Assistant Professor
    Laboratory for Computational Immunology
    Center for Vaccine Innovation
    La Jolla Institute for Immunology

  • Rebecca Fielding-Miller, PhD, MSPH

    Rebecca Fielding-Miller, PhD, MSPH

    Assistant Professor
    Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science
    Director, Global Health Equity and Health Justice Research Group
    UC San Diego

    Areas of Expertise: community engagement, health disparities, global health, prevention


  • Gary Firestein, MD

    Gary Firestein, MD

    Senior Associate Vice Chancellor for Health Sciences
    Director, Altman Clinical & Translational Research Institute (ACTRI)
    UC San Diego
  • Derrick Fouts, PhD

    Derrick Fouts, PhD

    Rockville Campus
    J. Craig Venter Institute

    Areas of Expertise: viral and bacteriophage genomics, bacterial genomics, comparative genomics, metagenomics of bacterial and viral communities
  • Marcelo Freire, DDS, PhD, DMSc

    Marcelo Freire, DDS, PhD, DMSc

    Associate Professor
    Department of Genomic Medicine and Infectious Disease
    La Jolla Campus
    J. Craig Venter Institute
  • Caroline Freund, PhD

    Caroline Freund, PhD

    School of Global Policy and Strategy
    UC San Diego
  • Robert M. Friedman, PhD

    Robert M. Friedman, PhD

    Vice President for Policy & University Relations
    J. Craig Venter Institute
    Professor of Practice
    School of Global Strategy and Policy
    UC San Diego

  • Mark Fuster, MD

    Mark Fuster, MD

    Professor in Residence
    Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine
    UC San Diego
  • Steven Garfin, MD

    Steven Garfin, MD

    Interim Dean
    School of Medicine
    Distinguished Professor
    Department of Orthopaedics
    UC San Diego
  • Pradipta Ghosh, MD

    Pradipta Ghosh, MD

    Professor, Departments of Medicine and Cellular and Molecular Medicine
    Director, Center for Network Medicine
    Executive Director, HUMANOID™ Center of Research Excellence (CoRE)
    UC San Diego
  • Jack Gilbert, PhD

    Jack Gilbert, PhD

    Department of Pediatrics
    Scripps Institution of Oceanography
    UC San Diego

    Areas of Expertise: Microbiome, ecology, built environment, human health

  • Kamil Godula, PhD

    Kamil Godula, PhD

    Associate Professor
    Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
    UC San Diego

    Areas of Expertise: Glycoengineering, chemical glycobiology

  • Steven Gonias, MD, PhD

    Steven Gonias, MD, PhD

    Chair and Distinguished Professor 
    Department of Pathology
    UC San Diego
  • Ravi Goyal, PhD

    Ravi Goyal, PhD

    Assistant Professor
    Division of Infectious Diseases & Global Public Health
    UC San Diego
    Areas of Expertise: Biostatistics, network science, modeling complex systems
  • John Guatelli, MD

    John Guatelli, MD

    Professor of Medicine
    UC San Diego

    Areas of Expertise: Molecular virology, HIV, cellular resistance factors
  • Rajesh Gupta, PhD

    Rajesh Gupta, PhD

    Professor and Qualcomm Endowed Chair
    Department of Computer Science and Engineering
    Co-Director, Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute
    UC San Diego
  • Michael Hogarth, MD

    Michael Hogarth, MD

    Professor and Clinical Research Information Officer 
    Division of Biomedical Informatics
    UC San Diego

    Areas of Expertise: Public health informatics, clinical natural language processing/understanding, biomedical ontologies and terminologies
  • Sonia Jain, PhD

    Sonia Jain, PhD

    Associate Dean for Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion and Professor of Biostatistics
    Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science
    UC San Diego

    Areas of Expertise: Biostatistics, clinical trial design, analysis of complex data

  •  Ahnika Kline, MD, PhD, D(ABMM)

    Ahnika Kline, MD, PhD, D(ABMM)

    Assistant Professor, Clinical Pathology
    Associate Director, Microbiology Laboratory
    UC San Diego
    Areas of Expertise: Quality improvement in infectious disease diagnostics, rare fungal infections
  • Rob Knight, PhD

    Rob Knight, PhD

    Departments of Pediatrics, Bioengineering, and Computer Science & Engineering
    Director, Center for Microbiome Innovation
    UC San Diego
  • Miroslav Krstic, PhD

    Miroslav Krstic, PhD

    Senior Associate Vice Chancellor for Research
    Director, Center for Control Systems and Dynamics
    Daniel L. Alspach Endowed Chair in Dynamic Systems and Control
    Distinguished Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
    UC San Diego
  • Andrea LaCroix, PhD

    Andrea LaCroix, PhD

    Distinguished Professor and Chief of Epidemiology
    Department of Family Medicine and Public Health
    UC San Diego
  • Ratnesh Lal, PhD

    Ratnesh Lal, PhD

    Professor of Bioengineering
    Professor of Mechanical Engineering
    Professor of Materials Science
    Co-Director, Center of Excellence in Nanomedicine and Engineering
    Jacobs School of Engineering
    UC San Diego

    Areas of Expertise: Nanobiotechnology, multidimensional biological atomic force microscopy, ion channel biophysics, nanomedicine
  • Louise Laurent, MD, PhD

    Louise Laurent, MD, PhD

    Professor and Vice Chair for Translational Research 
    Division of Maternal Fetal Medicine
    Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, & Reproductive Sciences
    UC San Diego

    Areas of Expertise: Embryonic stem cell research, genomic technologies, extracellular miRNA, perinatology

  • Sandra Leibel, MD, MS

    Sandra Leibel, MD, MS

    Assistant Professor
    Division of Neonatology
    Department of Pediatrics
    UC San Diego

    Areas of Expertise: Lung development, surfactant, stem cell derived lung organoids, breast milk, microbiome, non-invasive ventilation
  • Susan Little, MD

    Susan Little, MD

    Professor of Medicine
    Division of Infectious Disease & Global Public Health
    Director, Antiviral Research Center (AVRC)
    Clinical Research Site Leader, AIDS Clinical Trials Group (ACTG)
    UC San Diego

    Areas of Expertise: Prevention and treatment of acute and very recent HIV infection and the use of molecular epidemiologic methods to infer and characterize HIV transmission networks

  • Chris Longhurst, MD, MS

    Chris Longhurst, MD, MS

    Chief Medical Officer
    Chief Digital Officer
    UC San Diego

    Areas of Expertise: Health systems research, quality improvement, clinical informatics

  • Jess Mandel, MD, FACP, ATSF

    Jess Mandel, MD, FACP, ATSF

    Kenneth M. Moser Professor of Medicine and Chief 
    Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care, & Sleep Medicine
    Vice-Chair for Education
    Department of Medicine
    UC San Diego
  • Natasha Martin, DPhil

    Natasha Martin, DPhil

    Associate Professor
    Division of Infectious Diseases & Global Public Health
    UC San Diego

    Areas of Expertise: HCV, HIV, substance use, prevention, epidemic modeling, economic modeling
  • Gordon C. McCord, PhD

    Gordon C. McCord, PhD

    Associate Teaching Professor and Associate Dean
    School of Global Policy and Strategy
    UC  San Diego

    Areas of Expertise: Health economics, environmental economics

  • Andrew McCulloch, PhD

    Andrew McCulloch, PhD

    Distinguished Professor of Bioengineering and Medicine
    Director, Institute of Engineering in Medicine
    UC San Diego

    Areas of Expertise: Systems biology, multiscale modeling, computational biology
  • Niema Moshiri, PhD

    Niema Moshiri, PhD

    Assistant Teaching Professor
    Department of Computer Science & Engineering
    UC San Diego


    Areas of Expertise: Computational viral epidemiology, phylogenetics, models of sequence and tree evolution, Massive Adaptive Interactive Text (MAIT) development

  • Camille Nebeker, EdD, MS

    Camille Nebeker, EdD, MS

    Associate Professor
    Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity
    Director, Research Ethics Program Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research 
    Co-Founder and Director, Research Center for Optimal Digital Ethics - Health 
    Science Voting Faculty, UCSD Design Lab 
    UC San Diego
    Chair, Committee on Scientific Freedom and Responsibility, American Association for the Advancement of Science


    Areas of Expertise: Research ethics, bioethics, privacy, informed consent, human centered design, community engagement

  • Victor Nizet, MD

    Victor Nizet, MD

    Distinguished Professor and Vice-Chair for Basic Research, Department of Pediatrics
    Chief, Division of Host-Microbe Systems & Therapeutics
    Distinguished Professor, Skaggs School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences
    UC San Diego

    Areas of Expertise: Bacterial pathogenesis, innate immunity

  • Jerrold Olefsky, MD

    Jerrold Olefsky, MD

    Professor of Medicine and Associate Dean for Scientific Affairs 
    UC San Diego
  • Erica Ollmann Saphire, PhD

    Erica Ollmann Saphire, PhD

    President & CEO
    Professor, Center for Infectious Disease and Vaccine Research
    La Jolla Institute for Immunology
  • Stanley Opella, PhD

    Stanley Opella, PhD

    Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
    UC San Diego
  • Sang Park, PhD

    Sang Park, PhD

    Project Scientist
    Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
    UC San Diego
  • Silke Paust, PhD

    Silke Paust, PhD

    Associate Professor
    Department of Immunology and Microbiology
    Scripps Research
  • Corinne Peek-Asa, PhD

    Corinne Peek-Asa, PhD

    Distinguished Professor and Vice Chancellor for Research
    Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science
    UC San Diego
  • Bjoern Peters, PhD

    Bjoern Peters, PhD

    Center for Infectious Disease and Vaccine Research
    La Jolla Institute for Immunology

    Areas of Expertise: Computational tools to address fundamental questions in immunology

  • David T. Pride, MD, PhD

    David T. Pride, MD, PhD

    Associate Professor of Pathology
    Director of Molecular Microbiology
    Associate Director of Microbiology
    UC San Diego
  • Giorgio Quer, PhD

    Giorgio Quer, PhD

    Director, Artificial Intelligence, Scripps Research Translational Institute
    Senior Staff Scientist
    Scripps Research

    Areas of Expertise: Artificial intelligence, probabilistic modeling, wearable sensors
  • Borsika Rabin, PhD, MPH, PharmD

    Borsika Rabin, PhD, MPH, PharmD

    Associate Professor
    Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science
    Co-Director, Dissemination and Implementation Science Center
    UC San Diego
    Co-Director, ACCORDS Dissemination and Implementation Science Graduate Certificate Program

    Areas of Expertise: Dissemination and implementation science, adapting evidence-based interventions, theories, models, frameworks for dissemination and implementation science, pragmatic measures
  • Anita Raj, PhD, MS

    Anita Raj, PhD, MS

    Professor of Public Health
    Executive Director, Newcomb Institute
    Tulane University 

    Professor of Medicine
    UC San Diego 

    Areas of Expertise: Epidemiologic and qualitative assessment of gendered, social, and cultural vulnerabilities compromising reproductive, maternal, neonatal, child, and adolescent health across national settings; assessment of the etiology and public health impact of gender inequities including early and child marriage, intimate partner violence and sexual assault, and son preference; development and evaluation of social and behavioral interventions for socially vulnerable populations (e.g., minorities, people contending with substance abuse/misuse, youth); gender empowerment theory for survey design, application of social and behavioral theories for measurement and evaluation research in cross-national settings; gender data and data to policy impact; gender parity in academia and in leadership; gender equity and quality of care

  • Tariq Rana, PhD

    Tariq Rana, PhD

    Distinguished Professor and Head of Genetics
    Vice Chancellor for Innovation in Therapeutics
    Department of Pediatrics
    Institute for Genomic Medicine & Moores Cancer Center
    UC San Diego
  • Timothy Rodwell MD, PhD, MPH

    Timothy Rodwell MD, PhD, MPH

    Professor of Medicine
    Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine
    UC San Diego
    Medicine Senior Scientific Advisor
    FIND, Geneva, Switzerland

    Areas of Expertise: Antimicrobial resistance, rapid POC diagnostics for infectious diseases, global policy on treatment and diagnosis of infectious disease

  • Richard H. Scheuermann, PhD

    Richard H. Scheuermann, PhD

    Director of Informatics
    J. Craig Venter Institute

  • Robert T. Schooley, MD

    Robert T. Schooley, MD

    Distinguished Professor of Medicine
    Division of Infectious Diseases & Global Public Health
    Co-Director, Center for Innovative Phage Applications and Therapeutics
    Senior Director, International Initiatives
    Interim Faculty Director, Global Education
    UC San Diego

    Areas of Expertise: Viral prevention, pathogenesis, diagnosis and therapy, rapid diagnostics

  • Alessandro Sette, Dr Biol Sci

    Alessandro Sette, Dr Biol Sci

    Center for Infectious Disease and Vaccine Research
    Center for Autoimmunity and Inflammation
    La Jolla Institute for Immunology
  • Sujan Shresta, PhD

    Sujan Shresta, PhD

    Associate Professor
    Center for Infectious Disease and Vaccine Research
    La Jolla Institute for Immunology

    Areas of Expertise: Immunology and pathogenesis of human viruses such as the flaviviruses dengue virus (DENV) and Zika virus (ZIKV) and the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2

  • Benjamin Smarr, PhD

    Benjamin Smarr, PhD

    Assistant Professor, Department of Bioengineering and the Halicioğlu Data Science Institute
    Executive Committee, Center for Circadian Biology
    Member, Center for Wearable Sensors
    UC San Diego

    Areas of Expertise: Biological time series analysis, wearable devices, personalized detection systems

  • David (Davey) Smith, MD, MAS

    David (Davey) Smith, MD, MAS

    Director, PREPARE Institute
    Protocol Co-Chair, ACTIV-2 
    Chief, Division of Infectious Diseases & Global Public Health
    Professor and Vice-Chair of Research, Department of Medicine
    Co-Director, San Diego Center for AIDS Research (CFAR)
    Florence Riford Seeley Chair in AIDS Research
    UC San Diego

    Areas of Expertise: Neuropathology, virologic correlates of end organ damage, HIV shedding in genital tract, molecular epidemiology, HIV superinfection, transmission of HIV, translational virology

  • Stephen Spector, MD

    Stephen Spector, MD

    Distinguished Professor of Pediatrics
    Chief of the Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases
    Director of the UC San Diego Mother-Child-Adolescent HIV Program
    UC San Diego

    Areas of Expertise: Human Immunodeficiency Virus type-1, HIV-1, HIV, HIV associated neurocognitive impairment, human cytomegalovirus, CMV, atherosclerosis, viral pathogenesis, antiviral treatment, HIV mother-to-child transmission, MTCT, autophagy, vitamin D
  • Nicole Stadnick, PhD, MPH

    Nicole Stadnick, PhD, MPH

    Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry
    Director of Dissemination and Evaluation, ACTRI Dissemination and Implementation Science Center
    Researcher, Child and Adolescent Services Research Center
    UC San Diego

    Areas of Expertise: Implementation science, autism, pediatrics, mental health services, health policy, community engagement, public health, health equity, global health, mixed methods, capacity building, system interventions, HIV prevention and intervention

  • Steffanie Strathdee, PhD

    Steffanie Strathdee, PhD

    Associate Dean, Global Health Sciences
    Harold Simon Distinguished Professor, Department of Medicine
    Co-Director, Center for Innovative Phage Applications and Therapeutics
    UC San Diego

    Areas of Expertise: Infectious disease epidemiology, antimicrobial resistance, phage therapy, vaccine hesitancy

  • Gene S. Tan, PhD

    Gene S. Tan, PhD

    Assistant Professor, Infectious Diseases
    J. Craig Venter Institute

    Adjunct Assistant Professor
    Division of Infectious Diseases & Global Public Health
    UC San Diego

    Areas of Expertise: Molecular virology, monoclonal antibodies, antibody response, Fc-dependent cell-mediated antiviral responses, novel vaccines, viral pathogenesis, viral genome sequencing, influenza virus, non-neutralizing antibodies, neutralizing antibodies

  • John Teijaro, PhD

    John Teijaro, PhD

    Associate Professor
    Department of Immunology and Microbiology
    California Campus
    Scripps Research
  • Eric Topol, MD

    Eric Topol, MD

    Gary & Mary West Endowed Chair of Innovative Medicine
    Executive Vice President
    Professor, Molecular Medicine
    Director & Founder, Scripps Research Translational Institute
    Department of Molecular Medicine
    California Campus
    Scripps Research
  • Francesca Torriani, MD

    Francesca Torriani, MD

    Professor of Medicine
    Division of Infectious Diseases & Global Public Health
    Medical Director, Infection Prevention and Clinical Epidemiology
    UC San Diego
  • Stephen Waterman, MD, MPH

    Stephen Waterman, MD, MPH

    Guest Researcher
    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 

    Areas of Expertise: Vaccine efficacy and effectiveness, epidemiology, community engagement

  • Daniela Weiskopf, PhD

    Daniela Weiskopf, PhD

    Research Assistant Professor
    Center for Infectious Disease and Vaccine Research
    La Jolla Institute for Immunology

    Areas of Expertise: Emerging infectious disease, viral immunity, T cells

  • Dan Werb, PhD

    Dan Werb, PhD

    Assistant Professor
    Division of Infectious Diseases & Global Public Health
    UC San Diego

    Assistant Professor
    Institute for Health Policy, Management & Evaluation
    University of Toronto
    Director, Centre on Drug Policy Evaluation
    St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto

    Areas of Expertise: Open science, pandemic policy, epidemiology, policy analysis, inequity, population health
  • Richard Wyatt, PhD

    Richard Wyatt, PhD

    Professor, Department of Immunology and MIcrobiology
    Senior Director, International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI) Neutralizing Antibody Center
    Scripps Consortium for HIV/AIDS Vaccine Development (CHAVD)
    Scripps Research

    Areas of Expertise: Novel vaccines, HIV pathogenesis, coronavirus therapeutics
  • Gene Yeo, PhD, MBA

    Gene Yeo, PhD, MBA

    Cellular and Molecular Medicine
    Co-Director, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology Graduate Program
    UC San Diego