Borsika Rabin, PhD, MPH, PharmD

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Associate Professor
Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science
Co-Director, Dissemination and Implementation Science Center
UC San Diego
Co-Director, ACCORDS Dissemination and Implementation Science Graduate Certificate Program
Areas of Expertise: Dissemination and implementation science, adapting evidence-based interventions, theories, models, frameworks for dissemination and implementation science, pragmatic measures
Dr. Rabin is an Associate Professor and Founding Faculty at the UC San Diego Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science, the Co-Director of the UC San Diego Dissemination and Implementation Science Center (DISC), and an Implementation Science (IS) expert on a number of large NIH and VA Center grants and research projects including the VA San Diego Center of Excellence for Stress and Mental Health and the Quadruple Aim QUERI Program (Denver VA).
Dr. Rabin has extensive expertise in the selection and operationalization of IS models and she is a national expert in the use of the RE-AIM framework and its contextually expanded counterpart, PRISM. Dr. Rabin has been a member of the national leadership team for RE-AIM for the past close to one decade, developed and refined advanced methodology for the use of RE-AIM and PRISM across diverse topic areas and settings, and developed training and conducted consultations on the operationalization of RE-AIM and PRISM for research proposals and ongoing projects. She serves as the lead RE-AIM expert for the recently funded VA Center for the Evaluation of Enterprise-Wide Initiatives and provides technical assistance, training, consultation for all VA Office of Rural Health funded projects that are mandated to use RE-AIM for evaluation.
Dr. Rabin also has substantial expertise and track record in contributing to capacity building for IS. She has developed and contributed to national IS workshops and trainings, developed webtools for researchers and clinicians including one of the most widely used webtool for IS, the D&I Models in Health Research webtool (www.dissemination-implementation.org). Dr. Rabin has developed and is teaching (and co-teaching) doctoral courses in IS both at UC San Diego and the University of Colorado. She co-founded and serves as a co-Director for the fully online ACCORDS D&I Science Graduate Certificate Program. She also has extensive experience with consulting and coaching in IS both early and mid-career researchers through her role as an Implementation Scientist for the ACCORDS D&I Program at CU and more recently at the UC San Diego Dissemination and Implementation Science Center. Dr. Rabin also brings substantial expertise in the IS measurement area. She co-led the development of the D&I Workspace on the NIH Grid-enabled Measures Database, creating a platform for sharing IS measures and their metadata broadly. She also co-led the development of a review of existing measurement databases for IS and continues to contribute to IS data harmonization activities through her role in the Methods Workgroup on the Colorado Implementation Science Center for Cancer Control (one of seven IS centers funded through NCI). Dr. Rabin has wide-ranging experience providing training and IS consultation for diverse implementation projects.
Research Methodology: Dissemination and implementation science, integration of research into practice, stakeholder engagement, real-world, pragmatic study designs, synthesis of measurement instruments, use of theories and frameworks, designing for dissemination and implementation, development of reviews, toolkits, and decision aids for dissemination and implementation research, documentation of adaptations
Topic areas: Broad application of above-described methodology to studies of cancer prevention and care, development and evaluation of cancer prognostic tools, coordination of care, ischemic heart disease in the context of diverse community- and clinic-based settings including academic, safety net, and integrated delivery systems, VA, and rural and low resource settings.
Current Research
San Diego Center for AIDS Research Implementation Science Hub P30-AI036214 CFAR Supplement, NIAID Role: Multiple Principal Investigator/Project Director (MPI: Rabin and Stadnick)
Share, Trust, Organize, Partner: The COVID-19 California Alliance (STOP COVID-19 CA) OTA-20-011B (MPI: Stadnick, Rabin) National Institute of Minority Health and Health Disparities National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
Detection and Models of Toxicant Exposure - Harnessing Technological Innovation and Community-Engaged Implementation Science to Optimize COVID-19 Testing for Women and Children in Underserved Communities P42 ES010337-19S2 (MPI: Tukey, Laurent - Role: Co-I) Superfund Hazardous Substance Research and Training Program (P42) Superfund Research Program (SRP) https://www.co-create-radx.com/
Pragmatic Implementation Science Approaches to Assess and Enhance Value of Cancer Prevention and Control in Rural Primary Care
NIH P50CA244688
Sep 20, 2019 - Aug 31, 2024
Role: Co-Investigator
Coming soon